Drennan Swivel Stop Beads (Medium)
These Swivel Stop Beads also make great elastic connectors! One vitally important part of your set up when pole fishing is the connection you use to attach your rig to your elastic.
A popular choice is the knot and bead style of connector which has become popular in recent years, due to the line being attached directly to the elastic. This helps you hit more bites. This is particularly relevant when fishing shallow for fish like F1s on fisheries that have a minimum lash rule.
When using a Dacron connector there is an added link between the elastic and the line which has to fold over before creating enough tension to hook the fish. This is a key Match Winning Edge as by increasing the percentage of bites you hit you will put more fish in the net.
This for me is the best quality lead shot on the market. It is evenly cut which means your shots sit uniformly on the line. I use them in No8, No9, No10 and No11 and they make the main body of shot when making rigs. I then use size No12 or 13 Stotz to fine tune my rig.
Designed by Andy Bennett, these beauties are my number one choice for mudline fishing. They take 0.4g in weight, and allow you to pin your bait exactly where you want it.
Being hand made by Richie Wilson, they are also super strong and durable.